Root canal treatment
Root canal treatment in accordance to worldwide standards

- World-class level of root canal treatment
- Modern technologies such as a microscope, endometer, cofferdam as standard
- Experienced endodontic specialists
- Thousands of saved teeth – treating the most difficult cases
- Painless one day treatment
- Treatment without anesthesia, without tainting the tooth

We offer you root canal treatment on a world-class level. At your disposal there is a Staff of experienced endodontic specialists.
Our offices are equipped with the cutting-edge instruments, providing a precise, painless and perfectly executed treatment.
We work with the use of partial anesthesia thus allowing us for a completely painless treatment. We do not contaminate teeth. On an everyday basis our Patients are pleasantly surprised with the approach they are welcomed with and absolutely no pain.
Formerly root canal treatment was connoted to countless visits, leaky dressing and pain. In our Clinic, Patients tent to fall asleep during the procedure, which is the best proof of an unbelievably comfortable treatment.
We do our best to carry out the treatment during just one visit.
Precisely performed root canal treatment is often the las chance to save the tooth from removing it.
We cure the most difficult of cases.

We do our best to cooperate with doctors from Poland taking in Patients, which were referred to us for root canal treatment.
What differentiates us is not only experience but also applying the newest technologies as standard.
Seven offices equipped with world-class optics – surgical Carl Zeiss microscopes. Thanks to it the doctor can easily see the enlarged tooth, which ensures the high precision of surgery.
We apply one use, nickel-titan endodontic machine system ProTaper and also ultrasound instruments. We also offer you laser treatment of the root canals and their disinfection. With this procedure we achieve excellent cleansing effects and thorough inflammatory tissue cleaning.
Precise canals measurement with the use of Raypex ondometer tight canal filling using Obtura system 2 thermal processing guarantees the treatment’s effectiveness. Root canal treatment is controlled by the digital TVG photography with the use of Kodak’s radiovisiongraphy. Thanks to TK 3D pictures we can easily examine every tooth in every dimension. After the treatment we provide hermetic casing of the tooth’s crown and periodical RVG consultation.

Below we present our Medical Specialists, who will take care of you in our Clinic.