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    We work with:


    MD Magdalena Ziemlewska

    MD Magdalena Ziemlewska

    MD Magdalena Ziemlewska

    President of Impladent MDC.

    A graduate of the Medical University of Gdańsk, long-time research and teaching worker at GUMed’s Department of Prosthodontics. Work at the University made it possible to start education in the rehabilitation of even the most complex clinical situations. The acquired professional experience, deepened by participation in several dozens of courses in the field of dental prosthetics resulted in extensive knowledge regarding the rehabilitation of tooth deficits and dental articulation disorders. Constantly increasing in contemporary dentistry, the need to combine prosthetic and orthodontic experiences has inspired to start the next stage of professional development. In 2016, dr Ziemlewska completed a two-year Study of Practical Improvement in Orthodontics under the supervision of prof. habilitated Dr. Anna Komorowska, national consultant in the field of orthodontics. Further development in the field of orthodontics is the currently held Orthodontic Curriculum in Vienna School of Interdisciplinary Dentistry and a series of orthognathic training according to the Japanese school of prof. Sadao Sato.

    The acquired knowledge and experience perfectly fits into the concept of interdisciplinary treatment and offering the best-tested treatment protocols in the Impladent Clinic.

    MD Magdalena Ziemlewska

    Certificates and diplomas:

    Welcome to our Clinics!

    Contact form
    • Gdańsk Clinic

      ul. Kartuska 312,
      80-125 Gdańsk

      (+48) 58 691-71-47
      (+48) 501-155-036

    • Kowale Clinic

      ul. Andromedy 3,
      80-180 Kowale

      (+48) 58 691-71-47
      (+48) 501-155-036

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