MD Monika Maślińska-Brazulewicz
MD Monika Maślińska-Brazulewicz

A graduate of the medical and dentistry faculty at the Medical Academy in Gdansk. She obtained a diploma of a dentist in 2005. A long-term research and teaching assistant of the Chair and Institute of Developmental Dentistry at the Medical University of Gdansk. In 2010, after submitting the state specialization examination, she obtained the title of specialist in the field of pediatric dentistry.
She is a co-author of scientific papers and publications in specialistic dental journals. An active participant in many conferences and scientific courses in Poland and abroad.
She deals with prosthetics, aesthetic dentistry and preventative treatment of children, adolescents and adults.
In our Clinic performs oral cavity procedures under general anesthesia. Cares deeply about individual approach to the patient and comprehensive treatment leading to the restoration of a beautiful smile.